Planning Approval for five new flats in Putney, south west London.
Planning approval has been granted for this project within a Conservation Area. 5 flats have been carefully designed to fit on to a very tight site without impacting neighbouring amenity.
New contemporary house in Wimbledon Village approved by planning authority.
Project due on site Summer 2020…
Planning Approval
Our design for 6 apartments in Merton, south London, has won planning approval.
Planning Approval
Our design for 2 apartments over an existing retail space has won planning approval at appeal.
Planning approval
Our design for a 23-unit affordable housing project in west London wins planning approval.
Award for Notting Hill mews house
Our design for this mews house was awarded at the UK Property Awards ceremony at the Grosvenor House Hotel.
Residential extension gets cladding at last!
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Canopy installed
Geometric sun shade/canopy gets installed at residential project in East Sheen, London – exterior cladding/lighting to follow.
UK Top 50 Affordable Housing Developments 2013
Our design for 15 affordable housing units at Hopfields Close for Mount Green Housing Association has been included in Inside Housing’s ‘UK Top 50 Affordable Housing Developments 2013’.
Spencer Park wins planning
Our proposals for an underground extension and house refurbishments has gained planning approval.
Sunday Times British Homes Awards 2012
Princes Mews project is commended in the Best Small House category. The Sunday Times will publish a special awards supplement on September 30th covering the winning and commended schemes. All winning and commended designs will be featured on a Sunday Times […]
Sunday Times British Homes Awards 2012
Our Notting Hill mews house project has been shortlisted.
The Sunday Telegraph
Our Notting Hill mews house project is published in The Sunday Telegraph.
Mulberry Crescent achieves CSH level 5
Article in Green Buildings Press features our hemp and lime house which has achieved CSH level 5. Read the article.
Passivhaus in Claygate continues
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Passivhaus project continues on site
Our Passivhaus-designed private house project continues on site in Claygate, Surrey. Foundations are now 70% complete.
Inside Housing Development of the Week
Our Willow Corner project for Mount Green Housing Association is Development of the Week in Inside Housing.
New glass terrace arrives!
The glass terrace / skylight arrives at our project at south eaton place, near Slone Square, London.
Mulberry Hemcrete house almost there!
Our Hemcrete affordable single detached house for Hillingdon Borough Council is almost there…just a few finishing touches to make!
Willow Corner
Our rural Code 4 affordable housing project for Mount Green Housing Association is nearing completion.
Mulberry Crescent Hemp House nears completion
This house for Hillingdon Borough Council is nearing completion. It is to be part of London Open House this year too!
Passivhaus project wins planning approval
Our Passivhaus project in Claygate, Surrey has won planning approval.
New office address
We have moved to new offices! Unit 16, Rufus Business Centre, Ravensbury Terrace, London SW18 4RL
125 Mulberry Crescent
Hemcrete now installed on the ground level of the sleeping block. Whole house should be completed in 2 weeks.
125 Mulberry Crescent now on site
125 Mulberry Crescent for Hillingdon Borough Council is now on site. The timber frame is in the process of being erected ready to receive the Hemcrete insulation.